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Simbol CHEVRON Illuminated Flexible Traffic Bollard

Simbol CHEVRON Illuminated Flexible Traffic Bollard


A new uniquely styled, totally illuminated flexible bollard, designed to provide enhanced driver warning... Simbol CHEVRON Illuminated Flexible Traffic Bollard - Read More

Simbol Crosswalk Illuminated Flexible Traffic Bollard

Simbol Crosswalk Illuminated Flexible Traffic Bollard


A new uniquely styled, totally illuminated flexible bollard, designed to provide enhanced driver warning... Simbol Crosswalk Illuminated Flexible Traffic Bollard - Read More




About Traffic Signs Solutions

With the global changes in traffic management and engineering, TRAFFIC SIGN SOLUTIONS INC. (TSS) has positioned itself to work hand in hand  with the transportation engineering industry in North America.

Over the past decade, the US has adopted well established traffic calming and intersection practices with designs that have been developed in the United Kingdom and Europe. In particular, roundabouts and center island refuge crosswalks have made their debut in many American and Canadian locations.

TSS is a integral part of a global network that combines decades of traffic engineering experience, our parent company in the UK has serviced the mature British highway system for many years. Britain has, per capita, one of the lowest fatality rates of any developed country.

With this experience and ethos in place, TSS is positioned to supply high performance quality products tailor made for North America, as well as offering professional advice and consultation to optimize the benefits of their product and expertise.

The equipment is resilient, developed with longevity and safety in mind. The life cycle investment is key to appreciating the savings and cost benefits to road users and maintenance crews alike. With the reduction of personal injury and liability, the basic principal of the illuminated bollard shines through, literally. The products are designed and proven to offer unparalleled performance and guidance and information to the driver, plus reassurance to pedestrians when they venture across a roadway.

TSS maintains a ongoing testing program that ensures the products are the best in their class. With this in mind, the company strives to improve its products and practices with stringent Research and Development programs.

Foremost however, we are committed to reducing risks and improving safety, we put your life, and the lives of all around us, first.